Social Work

Boone County Health Center’s social worker is Valorie Slizoski, CSW. She is an expert at assisting patients and their families in many ways.

Services Include

  • Connecting patients and families with resources to assist them in their situation.
  • Assisting with struggles from cancer diagnosis, depression, drug overdose, attempted suicide, loss of a child, adoption, abuse, neglect, financial strain, unexpected death, or advanced directives.
  • Helping families adjust to lifestyle changes.
  • Introducing coping strategies at end of life.
  • Coordinating mental health services for patients and families.
  • Working with the CancerCare team, CarePartner’s team, and BCHC Balance teams to coordinate interdisciplinary services.
  • Developing plans to address community and regional concerns.

Get Started

Valorie can be reached at 402.395.3109 or