You have the right to know about hospital rules that affect your treatment and about charges and payment methods concerning your bill. You have the right to know about hospital resources, such as patient representatives that can help you resolve problems or questions you may have about your hospital stay. You have the right to voice complaints without fear of discrimination or reprisal. If any grievances arise, contact the Boone County Corporate Compliance Officer at 402-395-3154. The following is a listing of the Boone County Health Center’s Patient’s Bill of Rights:

The Patient

  • Will be fully informed, as evidenced by written acknowledgment, of all rights and rules and regulations governing patient conduct and responsibilities.
  • Will be fully informed of services available in the facility and of related charges including any charges for services not covered under Titles XVIII or XIX of the Social Security Act, or not covered by the facility’s basic per diem rate.
  • Has the right to choose a personal attending physician.
  • Will be fully informed by a physician of their medical condition unless medically contraindicated (as documented, by a physician, in the medical record). Is afforded the opportunity to participate in the planning of their medical treatment and to refuse treatment. To participate in experimental research or to formulate an Advanced Directive.
  • Will be informed in advance about care and treatment and of any changes of that care or treatment that may affect the patient’s well being.
  • Will be transferred or discharge only for medical reasons, or for their welfare or that of other patients, or for non-payment for their stay (except as prohibited by Titles XVIII or XIX of the Social Security Act), and is given reasonable advance notice to ensure orderly transfer or discharge, and such actions are documented in the medical record.
  • Will be free from mental and physical abuse and free from chemical and (except in emergencies) physical restraints except as authorized in writing by a physician for a specified and limited period of time, or when necessary to protect the patient from injury to self or to others.
  • Will be assured confidential treatment of personal and medical records, and may approve or refuse their release to any individual outside the facility, except in the case of transfer to another healthcare facility, or as required by law or third party payment contract.
  • Will not be required to perform service for the facility that is not included for therapeutic purpose in the plan of care.
  • May associate and communicate with persons of their choice. Patients are ensured privacy and accommodations, for medical treatments, written and telephone communications, personal care, visits, and meeting for family and other patients. The patient has the right to send and receive mail which is unopened.
  • May retain and use personal clothing and possessions as space permits, unless to do so would infringe upon rights of other patients, and unless medically contraindicated (as documented by the physician in the medical records).
  • Will have personal property marked and patient will be fully informed of personal and property rights.
  • If married, will be assured privacy for visits by their spouse, if both are in-patients in the facility, they are permitted to share a room unless medically contraindicated (as documented by the attending physician in the medical record).
  • Will have freedom from seclusion and restraints used in behavioral management unless clinically necessary.
  • The Boone County Health Center encourages visitors of all ages to be with patients when the patient can benefit. The Boone County Health Center believes family involvement in patient care promotes optimum healing. Visitors may remain as long as their behaviors are respectful and conducive to a healing environment.
  • All patients have a right to choose who may visit them during their inpatient stay, regardless of whether the visitor is a family member, a spouse, a domestic partner (involving a same-sex domestic partner) or other type of visitor, as well as their right to withdraw such consent to visitation at any time. Visitation privileges will not be denied on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
  • The need for the hospital to restrict visitation in medically appropriate circumstances may be ordered by the physician.